Did you know that using CPAP can help your partner sleep better? Studies show partners of people with sleep apnea sleep better when their partner uses their CPAP machine [1]. On nights when the CPAP machine is not used, bed partners often wake up several times throughout the night because of their partner’s disruptive snoring or anxiety about pauses in breathing [1]. Read more about why bed partners love CPAP.
Bed partners sleep up to an additional hour per night when their partner uses their CPAP machine [2].
Studies show using CPAP improves bed partner’s sleep because it increases the amount of time they are asleep in bed, and reduces tossing and turning while awake in bed [2]. When people use their CPAP machine, it eliminates the loud and disruptive snoring caused by sleep apnea which can disrupt the partners sleep. Partners of people who use CPAP also report finding the ‘white noise’ of the CPAP machine to be soothing and that it helps them sleep better [1, 3-4].
Although some people think CPAP will lead to less bedroom intimacy, data demonstrate that this is not necessarily true. Multiple studies have demonstrated that using CPAP actually improves intimacy and sexual relations for people with sleep apnea and their bed partners through reduced daytime sleepiness and increased activity levels [5-6].
A good night’s sleep is essential for both you and your bed partner to wake up refreshed and ready for your day. When you are using CPAP you are not only ensuring you get a quality night’s rest, but your bed partner’s as well! Take care of both your health and your partner’s by using your CPAP when you sleep. Your bed partner will thank you for it!
Rosa D, Amigoni C, Rimoldi E, Ripa P, Ligorio A, Fracchiolla M, Lombardi C, Parati G, Perger E. (2022). Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Adherence to Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Treatment: Let’s Talk about Partners! Healthcare. 10(5), 943.
Beninati, W., Harris, C. D., Herold, D. L., & Shepard Jr, J. W. (1999, October). The effect of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea on the sleep quality of bed partners. In Mayo Clinic Proceedings (Vol. 74, No. 10, pp. 955-958)
Baron, Kelly G., et al. (2022). Couples-based interventions to promote PAP adherence among older adults: a qualitative study of patients, partners, and providers. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 18(11), 2627-2634.
Ye L, Malhotra A, Kayser K, Willis DG, Horowitz JA, Aloia MS, Weaver TE. (2015). Spousal involvement and CPAP adherence: a dyadic perspective. Sleep Med Rev. 19, 67-74.
Reishtein, J. L., Maislin, G., Weaver, T. E., & Multisite Study Group. (2010). Outcome of CPAP treatment on intimate and sexual relationships in men with obstructive sleep apnea. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 6(3), 221-226.
Lai, A. Y., Ip, M. S., Lam, J. C., Weaver, T. E., & Fong, D. Y. (2016). A pathway underlying the impact of CPAP adherence on intimate relationship with bed partner in men with obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep and Breathing, 20, 543-551.